PHP Snippet #07

This challenge covers the review of a snippet of code written in PHP

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The Code Review Snippet challenge gives you a snippet of PHP code that contains a security vulnerability. The task is to find the issue without watching the video initially. The provided code checks if the $_GET["count"] parameter is set and falls within a specified range before using it in a system command to ping However, this code is vulnerable to command execution attacks because it does not verify whether $_GET["count"] is an integer.

In the video, the vulnerability is explained in detail. The code checks if $_GET["count"] is greater than zero and less than or equal to four, but it does not ensure that it is an integer. As a result, a malicious user can inject additional commands by including a semicolon in the count parameter. For example, a value of 1;touch /tmp/command_execution would be cast to 1 for the comparisons but would execute the additional touch command when concatenated to the ping command, resulting in unintended command execution.

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