Research Worth Reading Week 31/2024

Published: 04 Aug 2024

This week again, we publish a list of research worth reading! Not sure if it is the BlackHat/Defcon effect, but it is pretty quiet!!

🔥 Beyond the Limit: Expanding single-packet race condition with a first sequence sync for breaking the 65,535 byte limit

If you can only read one article this week, you need to read this one: Beyond the Limit: Expanding single-packet race condition with a first sequence sync for breaking the 65,535 byte limit.

❤️ ORM Leak Exploitation Against SQLite

Some love for our own blog with a blog post on ORM Leak exploitation against SQLite.

👉 FAQ: The tragedy of low-level exploitation

A really good FAQ on the reality of roles/career opportunities in low-level exploitation: The tragedy of low-level exploitation. It's a bit generic (by nature), and people will probably find counterexamples, but I think it is definitely worth reading for people aiming for a job in low-level exploitation.

👉 AppSec eZine #546

AppSec eZine is back with issue #546

Photo of PentesterLab
Written by PentesterLab
The platform to learn web hacking and security code review
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