The Value of Code Reviews Without Bugs

Published: 10 Oct 2024

In the world of application security and code review, there’s a misconception that the success of a review is measured solely by the bugs you find. If you come away empty-handed, some might see that time as wasted. But the reality is quite the opposite: every code review, even those where no vulnerabilities are uncovered, serves as a valuable learning experience. The time spent reading through secure, well-implemented code builds expertise, accelerates future reviews, and, most importantly, creates a baseline to compare against less secure codebases.

Learning What "Good" Code Looks Like

At its core, security code review isn’t just about finding flaws. It’s about understanding the code and the context in which it operates. Each time you audit code and come away without finding a bug, you’re reinforcing your understanding of what a secure implementation looks like. You learn to recognize patterns of safe coding practices, from proper input sanitization to secure authentication mechanisms and thoughtful error handling.

This process helps you develop a mental map of secure coding practices across various languages and frameworks. Whether it's a robust use of encryption APIs in Java or correctly implemented CSRF protection in Rails, each review adds to your repository of knowledge. Over time, you can recognize subtle deviations from these standards more quickly. You’ll have a clearer idea of what’s “normal” or “good” in any given context, making outliers—and potential vulnerabilities—stand out more prominently.

Playing "Spot the Differences": Building a Baseline for Future Reviews

Every secure codebase you review becomes part of a mental baseline that you can use for future reviews. It’s like playing a continuous game of "spot the differences." Each time you review a solid, secure codebase, you’re building a picture of what secure code should look like. When a new codebase deviates from that picture, those differences will stand out more clearly. Small variations, like a missing validation check or a different method being used in a new way, will catch your attention, signaling potential vulnerabilities.

This baseline is key in making future audits faster and more effective. Code review becomes a process of comparison: the more secure code you’ve reviewed, the quicker you can identify deviations from best practices. A function may seem ordinary at first glance, but your growing experience will allow you to spot these subtle differences. This ability to quickly see where things differ from secure patterns is crucial to identifying risks early.

Accelerating Future Code Reviews

By becoming familiar with patterns of good code, you’re essentially training your mind to work more efficiently. With experience, you no longer need to inspect every single detail as closely because you know what to expect from secure implementations. If you’ve seen how developers consistently follow best practices, you can move through their code faster while still maintaining a high level of scrutiny for areas that feel out of place.

Instead of spending time trying to identify secure code from scratch in every review, you’ll begin to recognize the "right" way to do things immediately. Conversely, when something feels off, even in subtle ways, your attention is drawn to those areas. You’ll be faster not because you’re skipping steps, but because you’ve built an intuition rooted in your growing body of experience.

Reviews Without Bugs Are Never Wasted

The ultimate goal of a code review is to assess the security of an application. In some cases, no bugs are found because the application is secure. This outcome isn’t a failure; it’s a sign that the developers have done their job well, and your review process worked as intended. The absence of bugs is a learning opportunity in itself.

Moreover, it’s essential to remember that code review is not just about ticking off bugs on a list. It’s a continuous process of refining your ability to distinguish between secure and insecure patterns, improving your speed, and developing a deep understanding of different codebases and frameworks. Every review without bugs adds to that skillset, shaping you into a more effective reviewer over time.


The next time you conduct a code review and don’t find a vulnerability, remember that you haven’t wasted your time. Each review contributes to building your understanding of secure coding practices and strengthens your ability to spot weaknesses in the future. With each bug-free code review, you’re setting a foundation for more efficient and accurate work, all while improving the security of the applications you review.

Photo of Louis Nyffenegger
Written by Louis Nyffenegger
Founder and CEO @PentesterLab