Why Settle for a Bug When You Can Catch a Swarm?

Published: 02 Sep 2024

The discovery of a new bug or the analysis of a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) can often feel like a breakthrough. However, the true value of this discovery lies not only in addressing the individual issue but in understanding whether it is part of a larger set of related vulnerabilities — a "swarm". A swarm represents a group of similar vulnerabilities that share common patterns, root causes, or are located within the same area of the codebase. Identifying and addressing these swarms is crucial for effective vulnerability management and long-term security improvement.

The Concept of a Swarm

A swarm is essentially a collection of vulnerabilities that are interconnected by their underlying causes or patterns. These vulnerabilities might not be identical, but they often stem from similar coding errors, architectural flaws, or security oversights. The presence of a swarm indicates systemic issues within the codebase or the development process, suggesting that the vulnerabilities are not isolated incidents but symptoms of a broader problem.

When you discover a new vulnerability or analyze a CVE, it is essential to determine whether it belongs to a swarm. Failing to do so can lead to a false sense of security, where a single bug is fixed while others remain hidden, waiting to be exploited. Recognizing a swarm allows you to address the root causes more comprehensively, leading to a more secure and robust application.

Ways a Vulnerability Can Be Part of a Swarm

There are several ways in which a vulnerability might be part of a swarm, each of which requires careful consideration during the discovery and remediation process:

1. Legacy Code

One common scenario where swarms occur is within legacy code. These are parts of the codebase that have not been modified or reviewed for a long time, often predating the current security best practices or the project’s maturity. Legacy code can harbor multiple vulnerabilities, especially if it was written before security became a top priority. These areas of the codebase may have been overlooked during previous security audits or updates, allowing vulnerabilities to persist. In some cases, entire features may have been forgotten or abandoned, leaving them particularly vulnerable to exploitation.

2. Repeated Patterns

Another way vulnerabilities can form a swarm is through repeated patterns of insecure code. These patterns often emerge due to a lack of understanding by the developers of how a particular function works, the threats the application may be exposed to, or the side effects some code might produce. For example, if a developer misunderstands how to properly sanitize input, they might introduce similar vulnerabilities in multiple parts of the application. These repeated patterns can spread across different modules or functions, making them harder to detect unless a comprehensive review is conducted. The presence of such patterns suggests a need for better developer education and more rigorous code reviews to catch these issues early.

Moreover, automation can play a crucial role in identifying swarms. By creating rules in your Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools, you can automate the detection of repeated patterns in the code. This makes it easier to uncover swarms of related vulnerabilities. When a specific vulnerability pattern is found, it often indicates the presence of similar bugs elsewhere in the code. Automation helps systematically identify these related vulnerabilities, scaling the reviewer's efforts rather than dictating what they should focus on. This allows reviewers to concentrate on deeper analysis and more complex issues while ensuring that common patterns are not overlooked.

Analyzing CVEs is also important in this context. When you analyze a CVE, you not only learn about a specific bug but also gain insights into potential swarms. In my experience, I have discovered several swarms while reviewing CVEs, highlighting the importance of thorough analysis.

In a code review scenario, collaboration between junior and senior reviewers can be particularly effective in identifying swarms. For instance, a senior reviewer might identify a bug, and then a junior reviewer could be tasked with searching for related vulnerabilities. An example might be a senior noting that "the developers seem to misunderstand how to handle paths securely," prompting the junior to look for potentially insecure path manipulations throughout the codebase.

The Importance of Addressing Swarms

Identifying and addressing swarms is crucial for several reasons. First, it allows for more comprehensive remediation. By recognizing that a vulnerability is part of a swarm, you can proactively search for and address other related issues, reducing the likelihood of future exploitation. This approach helps in closing security gaps that might otherwise remain open if only the initially discovered vulnerability is fixed.

Second, addressing swarms can lead to a deeper understanding of the root causes of security issues within the codebase. Instead of treating each vulnerability as an isolated incident, recognizing a swarm encourages a systemic approach to security, where underlying issues are identified and resolved. This not only improves the immediate security of the application but also helps prevent similar issues from arising in the future.

Lastly, identifying swarms can lead to more efficient use of resources. Security teams often have limited time and personnel to devote to vulnerability management. By focusing on swarms, they can prioritize their efforts on areas of the codebase that are more likely to contain multiple vulnerabilities, leading to a higher return on investment in terms of time and resources.

Swarms are also key for developer education. By analyzing the root causes, assumptions, or correlations between all the bugs in a swarm, you can address these issues in training sessions, brown bag meetings, or internal newsletters. This not only fixes the current issues but also helps prevent similar vulnerabilities from occurring in the future.


When reviewing code or attacking web applications, the discovery of a vulnerability should never be viewed in isolation. By considering whether a newly discovered bug or CVE is part of a swarm, security professionals can take a more holistic approach to vulnerability management. This approach involves looking beyond individual vulnerabilities to identify broader patterns and root causes, leading to more effective and comprehensive remediation efforts. In doing so, organizations can significantly improve their overall security posture, reducing the risk of exploitation and ensuring the long-term security and reliability of their applications.

Photo of Louis Nyffenegger
Written by Louis Nyffenegger
Founder and CEO @PentesterLab